Resource Library

Information and resources related to aquatic nuisance species as well as relevant Great Lakes Panel documents are organized in our Library. Resources can be filtered by publication type, topic, or key words via the search bar.


GLP 2023 Spring Meeting Presentation: ICRCC updates


Jamie Schardt, U.S. EPA and Mike Weimer, U.S. FWS

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2023 Spring Meeting Presentation: Michigan new detection


Sarah LeSage, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2023 Spring Meeting Presentation: Minnesota new detections


Kelly Pennington, Minnesota DNR

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2023 Spring Meeting Presentation: National AIS outreach assessment


Tom Beppler, Responsive Management

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2023 Spring Meeting Presentation: Oblique bubble screen (Sandusky)


Ryan Jackson, USGS

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2023 Spring Meeting Presentation: Ontario new detections


Jeff Brinsmead, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2023 Spring Meeting Presentation: Tench Working Group


Jeff Brinsmead, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Publication Type: Presentation Slides

GLP 2023 Spring Meeting Presentation: University of Toledo grass carp research updates


Rob Hunter, University of Toledo

Publication Type: Presentation Slides